Uni-Control, LLC
Uni-Control is a Consulting Firm & Project Developer with a main focus on Sustainability & Climate Change.
We structure "Sustainable Project Development Think Tanks and Project Execution Funds" which are sustainable project development consortiums targeting climate change and sustainable project development in developing and underdeveloped countries (The Global South).
When setting up the "Sustainable Project Development Think Tanks and Project Execution Funds" we structure loans based on investment grade sovereign guarantees or based on non-investment grade sovereign guarantees from the Global South Sovereign or Government. With a non-investment grade sovereign guarantee we structure fall back guarantees from UK, EU or USA Government Export Agencies (The Global North), wanting to facilitate climate and sustainable technology exports via project development. Fallback guarantees may also come from global industrial climate technology suppliers and manufacturer taking an equity in the projects. We can in some cases also work on non-sovereign government guarantees.
We additionally structure asset based loans for private sector and public sector clients, based on investment grade or non investment grade commercial bank guarantees. In the case of non-investment grade guarantees we facilitate the structuring of fallback guarantees from UK, EU or USA Government Export Agencies, wanting to facilitate climate and sustainable technology exports via project development. Global industrial climate technology suppliers and manufacturers may also in these cases get involved versus equity in the projects or capital equipment supply.
All guarantees must be rated by Moody, S&P, Fitch or other acceptable ratings agency.
The "Sustainable Project Development Think Tanks and Project Execution Funds" use a design, built and sell model. In other words we develop projects based on a design, engineering, and construction process. The construction is completed via public tenders using world class consulting firms for project management. The final project are then sold or listed on the local stock exchanges, or managed via cooperatives via refinancing.
This reduces the risk for long term loan exposure as the projects are sold right after they have been build. This at a profit to the guarantors. If a typical loan for a renewable energy project is based on 20 years, you can only do one project with that time exposure. This as it take 20 years to finish repaying the loan. Now if you sell the project after year 3, post construction you can make a profit and you can now do 6.6 projects theoretially using the same money and risk exposure. This focussing on the lowest risk and most profitable project opportunitites. In other words we fast track development and create viable business opportunities, using cost effective advanced climate technology and sustainable solutions.
This creates jobs, attracts investors, build supply capacity & develop human capital in the nations involved in the Global South, while creating a win-win business opportunity for the Global North generating technology exports and profitable business opportunities. Climate Change can be solved by lifting people out of poverty & by promoting sustainable choices via project development. The Global South has ambisions of developing societies similar to the Global North. If they use unsustainable technology in this effort we can not solve the problem. We therefore have to focus on changing the tide combining finance, technology, innovation and global collaboration.
We make the world a better place though sustainable project development. In summary we structure consortiums and government loans with world class investment banks, world class design and engineering firms and structure fall back guarantees to non-investment grade countries via finance export agencies in the UK, USA and Europe. We take a wholistic approach to project development and to solving the climate change crisis creating synergy between the Global South and the Global North.
Contact us to discuss.